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Writing is part of my life and is an expressive vehicle for my feelings, emotions, intuitions, creativity and spirituality.

Ever since I was a child, I can remember feeling the desire to declaim sensations. I recall an example: “I walk on the stones of the path that leads me home and I feel alone!” I was 8 years old, but I already knew that typical languor that heralds the approach of a particular dimension, which belongs to the being and can seem to manifest as wonder. At first it is a numbing languor, it is a feeling almost like being unwell. In the journey of my life I later recognized this state of mind in the various kinds of writing I experimented with the drafting of creative, philosophical, managerial, educational, poetic books. It is an emotional state that must be unburdened, unlocked, in order to access an intimate place that is mind-heart-unconscious, because from there flows a river of meanings, intuitions, stories, prophecies, and perfectly tuned words. Sometimes I myself remain incredulous when I experience intense, destabilizing, disruptive and adrenaline charged phases, and am overwhelmed by creative processes similar to those of a composer who transcribes music that already exists within him.

I have written a lot. My great daily practise of many years is the introspective and existential self-formative diary. In addition, it has often happened that I wake up at night in the throes of a creative flash, driven to build a story, a novel, a fairy tale, recite a poem, or set out an educational project. So my desk drawers are stuffed with lot of material to rework. Writing, I conclude, is an extraordinary opportunity to explore the human process and its sometimes mysterious and creative dynamics.


“Giovani e futuro”

Ascolto, credibilità, esemplarità
Read the excerpt
Questo benessere materiale diffuso produce una forma mentis per cui il benessere è un diritto acquisito e irrinunciabile a prescindere dalle reali condizioni economiche, pertanto si perde uno stimolo decisivo all’ascesa sociale attraverso l’impegno e la realizzazione scolastica e professionale.

Taken from “Giovani e futuro” Fondazione Banca Europa. I quaderni dell’etica, page 388

“Il percorso strategico creativo”

Performance! Umanità e competenza

Fare della propria vita un’Avventura straordinaria o costruire la propria “leggenda personale” è anche questione di saper lasciare volare il cuore ed osare ad immaginare qualche cosa di straordinario che possiamo regalarci, ovviamente, impegnandoci!

Taken from “Il percorso strategico creativo”, Franco Angeli, page 153

“Sulla via creativa”

…il senso del titolo educandosi-educare. Questo enunciato è la vera scoperta di un’evoluzione rispetto alla definizione: educarsi ed educare. In questa formula, infatti, esiste una scissione tra l’atto riflessivo nel momento dell’auto-educazione e la realtà vissuta, mentre con l’espressione “educandosi-educare”, l’educatore è tenuto ad essere presente in se stesso mentre vive la relazione con gli altri ed è impegnato in un’attività…

Taken from “Sulla via creativa”, Libri Este, page 19